
Headquartes Offices

Via Marcora, 52 – San Donato Milanese 20097 Milano – Italy
Phone: +39 02.49680501
Fax: +39 02.49680502

Administrative Offices and Laboratories

II Trav. Strettola S.Anna alle Paludi, 11 80142 Napoli – Italy
Phone: +39 081 5634520
Fax: +39 081 5633970


Tecno In S.p.A.

Legal and Operational Headquarter
20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)
Via Marcora, 52

Administrative, Operational and Laboratory Headquarter
80142 Naples (NA)
2^ Traversa Strettoia S. Anna alle Paludi, 11

Operating Headquarter and Office
Porto Torres SS
Piazza Garibaldi, 14

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